A girl awakens with no memories at the center of a magical land of wide-ranging cultures and unstable monarchies, with a single vision to guide her: collect the four Aces. A full-length musical written and presented entirely by students aged 13-17 through the Creation...
BAAY senior students perform a series of short plays written by celebrated local playwright, Michael Wallace. Directed by Dana Crediford, the four one-act plays presented explore many topics faced by youth today, including peer pressure, bullying, sadness, and the...
Watch as BAAY students recreate some of the most iconic music videos of MTV’s heyday! There’s acting, lip syncing, dancing, costumes, and LOTS of cardboard set pieces. Featuring hits by Devo, Madonna, Talking Heads, and more! Watch performance
BAAY Pixie Theatre presents *Snoring Beauty*, a whimsical adaptation of the classic fairy tale. Original script written by program director Lisa Markowitz, performed by students ages 5-8. Singing, dancing, and acting for everyone! Watch performance
This original musical, written and produced at BAAY, is a journey about destiny, love, and courage on an early 20th-century steamship. BAAY’s Creation Lab program for writing new musicals wrote an original show that was later performed by their peers ages 13-17....
This week, we’re highlighting this playful adaptation of a classic Norwegian folk tale. In the story, a princess who has fallen on hard times must travel to a kingdom “East of the Sun and West of the Moon” to rescue her best friend from trolls. And...