Description: Join BAAY this summer at Larrabee State Park for full days of fun, sun, and musical theatre! Over the course of two weeks, campers will learn iconic Broadway choreography and songs, which will be performed for friends and family on the park amphitheater stage. Students will also play games, engage in various performance exercises and warmups, take walks on the beach, and enjoy the magic of the arts outdoors!

If your child has participated in Camp LarraBAAY in the past, they can attend camp again this year and experience an entirely new selection of musical numbers!

Ages: 9-11

Dates/Times: July 7-11 and 14-18 from 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Performances: July 18 and 19 at 5:00 PM
Note: On July 18, camp will run from 10:00 AM through the evening performance. On July 19, there is no day camp, only the 5:00 PM performance (call time TBD).
Location: Larrabee State Park (BAAY is back up rain location)

Camp Director: Lisa Markowitz

Tuition: $450
Tuition assistance available – see our financial aid page here.

Register Here

Note: This program takes place in a public park. BAAY staff will take precautions to prioritize student comfort and safety, but there will be other people walking around, taking photos, and enjoying the park. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about this.

Email Lisa with questions about this program, or to reach our office for general questions.

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