Description: Explore live comedy by writing, rehearsing, and performing your own sketches! Students will learn the basics of sketch, finding the funny in an idea and bringing it to life by crafting characters and punch-lines. Through comedy, we’ll learn skills like communication, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence.

Sketch comedy involves short, amusing scenes called “sketches” that commonly run between 1-10 minutes in length and are performed by a group of comic actors or comedians. This class will focus mainly on sketch and not improv comedy. If you are interested in improv, check out the Improv Comedy camp for ages 13-17.

Ages: 13-17

Dates/Times: June 30 – July 3 from 1:00-4:00 PM
Note: There is no class on July 4th.
Location: BAAY

Instructor: Daniel Repp

Tuition: $160
Tuition assistance available – see our financial aid page here.

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