Description: Join Lisa in the making of another BAAY Junior movie! We’re retelling a classic fairy tale with ridiculously fun and wacky characters! There’s a Queen, a King, a snoring child, a very scary fairy, and a porcupine (among others)! What else? Cardboard props, dancing (both dramatic and otherwise), and LOADS of fun. Hope to see you there!
Ages: 9-12
Dates: April 12 – June 2, 2021. Meets twice per week, on Mondays/Wednesdays at 5:30-7:00pm (if a second cast is needed* those rehearsals will run on Tuesday/Thursdays at 5:30-7:00pm)
Format: Zoom; Video Content; Individual Filming; culminating in a finished movie.
Staff: Lisa MarkowitzÂ
Tuition: $200
Questions? Contact Lisa Markowitz.
*Note: If enrollment numbers are high, we will split into two casts, one meeting Mon/Wed and the other meeting Tue/Thu. If this is needed, we will contact all enrolled families to make arrangements and we will take any schedule requests into consideration.
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