
What is BAAY EduArts?

BAAY EduArts, a division of Bellingham Arts Academy for Youth, is an after-school at-school enrichment program committed to helping all schools provide affordable arts education to their students. We believe the arts are a vital component of learning and personal growth. EduArts currently provides quality programming in over 10 elementary schools throughout Whatcom County. The program provides K-8th grade classes including theatre, improv, visual arts, choir, guitar, and creative dance, and more!


EduArts will manage all administrative aspects of the program and we only ask that the schools provide the space in which to hold the classes. Each subject is usually offered once a week. However, classes may vary depending on the needs of each individual school.


Students can participate in our programs at an affordable cost! EduArts tuition is approximately $10 per hour, plus any necessary materials fees for the class.

Financial Assistance

As part of BAAY’s commitment to equity and access, EduArts is proud to offer both partial and full tuition assistance to students in need. We believe every child has a right to an arts-infused education! Click here for EduArts financial aid information.


Fall 2024 Classes

Please check your school’s 6Crickets page to see what BAAY EduArts classes are at your school this fall!

Letters of Recommendation

Please read several letters of recommendation about our EduArts program.

Behavior Guidelines

Parent and Student Behavior Guidelines

Fostering respect for individuals, the arts, and education is the foundation upon which these expectations of behavior are based. Most students are responsible and focused on their artistic pursuits; BAAY does not emphasize rules at the expense of learning and creativity. However, we do ask that students and parents read the Student Behavior Policy together at the beginning of each session. By completing our registration form, parents and students agree to adhere to our behavior guidelines.

Community Guidelines

BAAY is all about fun, integrity, being in a community of friends, and achieving high quality work. We ask that all members of our community behave their best and we expect them to inspire appreciation and model integrity for our students.

  • Please refrain from negative gossip, hurtful comparisons and slander.
  • Please reserve disciplinary action regarding BAAY students other than your child to BAAY staff. If you see an action that you think is in violation of the student code of conduct, ask the children to hold and wait, and find a BAAY staff member.
  • We encourage you to provide us with positive and constructive feedback. Please address all your concerns, questions, and comments to our instructors or contact our Eduarts Program Coordinator, Bailey McCully at
  • In case of violation of our policies, BAAY reserves the right to suspend families from participating in our activities.

Student Behavior Guidelines

At BAAY, we strive to create an educational environment that is professional, ethical, and supportive of the growth of our students as artists and as community members. To this end, we expect that students will approach their work at BAAY with professionalism and focus, as well as with respect for staff and for their fellow students. Students at BAAY are expected to:

  • Be on time.
  • Come to class prepared and ready to focus.
  • Treat one another and the staff with courtesy and respect.
  • Dress and act respectfully at all times.

As a community, we do not condone or tolerate violence, lying, cheating, stealing, bullying, profanity, gratuitous vulgarity, physical or verbal abuse, inappropriate displays of affection, or discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. Behavior that is not commensurate with our goal of maintaining a healthy, supportive environment will be grounds for disciplinary action, probation, or dismissal at the discretion of the Program Director.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

My Rights

  • I have the right to enjoy my time at BAAY EduArts and to be treated with compassion in this class. No one will laugh at me or intentionally hurt my feelings.
  • I have the right to express myself in this class. No one will treat me unfairly because of any aspect of my unique self.
  • I have the right to experience safety in this class. No one will hit me, kick me, push me, pinch me, threaten me, or hurt me. Students around me move in ways that keep me safe.
  • I have the right to have my property be safe in this class.
  • I have the right to hear and be heard in this class. This means no one will compete with me when I have ‘the floor’ or otherwise disturb me.

My Responsibilities

  • I have the responsibility to treat others with compassion. I will not laugh at others, tease others, or intentionally hurt others’ feelings.
  • I have the responsibility to respect others as individuals and treat others fairly.
  • I have the responsibility to make this class safe by not hitting, kicking, pushing, pinching, threatening, or hurting anyone. I will move my body in ways that keep those around me safe.
  • I have the responsibility to respect others’ property. I will not steal or destroy their property.
  • I have the responsibility to listen to others. I will not raise my voice to talk over others or otherwise disturb those who have ‘the floor’.
Late Pick-Up Policy

Following the end of each EduArts class, parents will be charged for late pick­ups. Instructors are not otherwise compensated for this time, so it is important that they collect funds for childcare. The late fee policy is outlined as follows:

  • At the 10­-minute late mark, there is a $5 fee and $1 for every additional minute.
  • If you are going to be more than 20 minutes late, please ask someone else on your child’s authorized guardian list to pick them up. In the event of an emergency, please inform the instructor of the situation and they will determine if the late pick­up policy applies.
  • If your child is not picked up within the first 30 minutes of the program closing, there may be the consideration of removing your child from the program.
  • At the 10-­minute late mark, the instructor will ask the pick­up person to fill out a late­ fee form, and the EduArts program director will get in touch with the family about payment.

By filling out your child’s registration form for the class, you are agreeing to these terms. For any questions or concerns, feel free to contact